some research projects

new projects

  • I'm writing a book called Stable Reasoning. My co-authors are Pedro Cabalar and Agustín Valverde. It's about the foundations of Answer Set Programming and logics that underlie and extend the stable model semantics for logic programs.

  • I'm part of a COST Action Dig4asp Digital forensics: evidence analysis via intelligent systems and practices led by Jesús Medina at the University of Cádiz. The network explores how advanced methods from AI and automated reasoning can be applied in the analysis of digital forensic evidence.

  • I've joined a new project, called ARLEKIN: Automated Reasoning and LEarning with Knowledge INduction. It is led by the University of Coruña.

  • A new project I'm involved in is called a A Research Agenda on Digital Media & Human Well-Being and is for the European Commission. It is coordinated by David Chavalarias at the Complex Systems Institute of Paris Ile-de-France

old projects

  • From 2011 to 2014 I led an EU Coordination Action called SINTELNET (European Network for Social Intelligence). We built up a network of 140 members and organised many events involving a mix of disciplines like AI, Computer Science, Psychology and Cognitive Science, Logic and Philosophy, Economics, Sociology and Law.

  • From 2003 to 2013 I was involved in several coordinated projects in AI funded by the Spanish ministries. These include:

    • FEAST, Foundations and Extensions of Answer Set Programming Technology, Funding: Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation,1/2010 - 12./2013. Principal investigator for UPM.

    • Agreement Technologies.Funding: Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Consolider – Ingenio 2010, CSD2007-00022), 2007-2012. Task leader for the topic Semantics.

    • Logic, Deduction and Programming for Intelligent Systems. Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (TIN2006-15455-CO3-03), 10/2006 - 3/2010, Principal Investigator for URJC.

  • From 1994-2000 I coordinated Compulog Net, one of the original founding NoEs set up by the European Commission in the early 90s. Many of the now familiar and standard ideas about research networking were explored and implemented at that time.